My guests aren't well known, they're not celebrities.
They're ordinary people like you and me, with remarkable stories of survival and success.
Have you ever looked back on your own story and wondered how you did it?
Or how you're doing it still?

My story started in the Midwest, as a suburban kid with hard-working parents who loved us even harder.
Fast forward to Scott, my fairytale. We were the best of friends for several years before we started dating in October and were married by May.
In 2012, we went from 2 kids to 7 overnight, then added an 8th two years later. We learned so much about blended families, adopting older kids, English as a second language, educating and becoming a family.
We made mistakes. Felt like horrible failures. Cried through and celebrated big and small things.
And now here I am, with titles I never wanted... Widow. Single mom. Alone.
I'm so grateful God ever allowed me to be Scott's wife, to parent these kids. Even though sometimes I'm confused why He would want me to raise these kids alone, I trust Him.
I always have.
He's the same God He was before things were hard. Before I didn't get what I wanted and prayed for.
This is my story.
Now, I'm telling theirs. Their stories of crying in the shower so the kids don't hear. Stories of being left, rejected, and abandoned. Their stories of loss. Stories of addiction. And stories of being told you'll never make it...
But, they did make it. And even when they wanted to give up, they dug in. They found their identity, and their purpose. They found their grit. God is using these stories to remind us how incredible He is, and just how fiercely we're loved.